I love working out ideas in my graph paper notebooks - so I wanted my blog page to have a graph paper background!
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Repurposing is a buzzword, and seems to be the only way my kids' generation can find to embrace antiques. My stash of cherished heirlooms (Grandma's horsehair two-seater couch and her retrofitted Cupid lamps) interest my sons not one tiny bit. (Both of them flinch visibly when I threaten to put them in my will as recipients of the lamps.)

But the current generation of makers/crafters/sculptors are quick to fashion conversation pieces out of old telephones, typewriters and adding machines, keeping them in circulation in one form or another. Sometimes I'd rather see the original piece in its entirety, but I'm not gonna gripe.

Yesterday Marvin and I visited Rockford's Jailhouse Cafe, where someone made a condiment rack out of a piano, a chandelier out of a Christmas tree, and a bulletin board out of a box spring. Fun stuff to look at, fun place to eat. Use the ideas if you've a mind to.

I'm sticking in, too, photos of personal repurposing: large tool box as coffee table, defunct Rolleiflex as bookend, antique type case as flat file.

I like this way of living, although it's not a model of efficiency. Just putting it out to you, for what it's worth, and for fun.


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