Life-Strategies for the Easily Distracted...tea and conversation eccentric artist's techniques derived from Sudoku puzzles, dominoes, and thousand-piece jigsaws.
(and illustrated with lots of mug designs, because the project demanded a lot of tea.)

I cleaned and re-organized my kitchen yesterday, accidentally. Expected guests delayed their arrival by one day, and I had a free 24-hour window to do the undone tasks of 2019.

Here are my processes:

mugshot saucer

    Once upon a time, I worked on a puzzle with a new acquaintance who was horrified by my process. "Are you always like this?" she asked, meaning my all-over-the-map approach to puzzles. "Pretty much," I replied. "I tend to be eccentric. And I tend to do many tasks this way."

mugshot heart background

But that's the thing. My eccentric methods keep me doing the cleaning and guest-prepping that MUST be done. Me & Mary Poppins, if you'll remember her principle: "For every job that must be done/ There is an element of fun/ You find the fun and snap! The job's a game..." Being an easily distracted artist, I've found I pretty much need to trick myself into doing my necessary tasks, and now you know my methods.

Happy New Year!
The top illustration is is my first print of the new year. I call it "Tea and Conversation," and if you'd like an 8" x 10" print, Paypal me $13 and I'll send you one. Thanks!

Read other posts here.